Membership Types
Become an ASCCP Member or Renew your Membership Online
Ordinary Members
(a) Ordinary members shall be medical practitioners of recognised specialist status interested in the activities of the Society.
(b) Ordinary members shall have the right to participate in general meetings, to vote and to be an Office Bearer or Ordinary Member of the Committee.
Ordinary Members
$335.00 AUD
Ordinary Member Subscription fee (AUD) Specialists $335 (incl GST)
New Ordinary Members and lapsed members $400
(incl GST and joining fee).
Associate members
(a) Associate members shall be other medical practitioners and non-medical practitioners (e.g. cytotechnologists, nurse practitioners, paramedical practitioners) who have an interest in the activities of the Society or who are working in a related field.
(b) Associate members shall have the right to participate in general meetings and to vote.
New Zealand and Overseas
Ordinary Members
$335.00 AUD
New Zealand and Overseas applicants: Subscription fee (AUD) Specialists $335
New Ordinary Members NZ/OS and lapsed members $400
(incl GST and joining fee).
Associate Member
$260.00 AUD
Associate membership, Subscription fee Non-Specialists $260 (incl GST)
New Associate Members and lapsed members $325
(incl GST and joining fee).
New Zealand and Overseas
Associate Member
$260.00 AUD
Associate membership, Subscription fee Non-Specialists $260 (incl GST)
New Associate Members NZ/OS and lapsed members $325
(incl GST and joining fee).