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ASCCP Research Grants


The aim of the ASCCP Research Grant is to fund small or pilot projects in any area of research relevant to the care of women with preinvasive or invasive cervical, vaginal, vulval or anal cancer undertaken by ASCCP members or their fellows as the principal researcher.

2024 Submissions are now open!

Submissions are now open for 2024. Click below to download the application form and view the grant guidelines and criteria.

Submissions will close on Monday 30th September 2024.

If you have any questions please contact the ASCCP Secretariat at or +61 7 3368 2422.


2023 Grants

There were 2 applications for new grants received in 2023. We are pleased to announce that of these 2 applications the following grants were awarded:

Study Title
Primary Researcher
Funding Allocated
Risk of high-grade cervical dysplasia in older women referred to colposcopy with a positive human papilloma virus cervical screening test
Marta Preston
Colposcopy in patients referred after self-collected HPV testing demonstrating HPV type 16 and/or 18
Monica McGauran
2022 Grants

There were 2 applications for new grants received in 2022. We are pleased to announce that of these 2 applications the following grant was awarded:

Study Title
Principle Researcher
Funding Allocated
Evaluating the Nurse Practitioner-led colposcopy service and exploring the information and support needs for women attending
Selvan Pather
2021 Grants


There were 2 applications for new grants received in 2021. We are pleased to announce that of these 2 applications the following grant was awarded:

Study Title
Principle Researcher
Funding Allocated
Does a Marae Based Colposcopy Clinic Increase Access to Colposcopy?
Judy Ormandy
2019 Grants


There were 7 applications for new grants received in 2019. We are pleased to announce that of these 7 applications the following grants were awarded:

Study Title
Principle Investigator
Funding Allocated
Impact of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination on Cervical Abnormality Rates in Young Women (2015-2019): Audit of National Cervical Screening Programme (NCSP) Data Matched with HPV Vaccination Data from the National Immunisation Register
Prof Peter Sykes
A randomised control trial to assess the role of a virtual reality device to reduce anxiety in patients undergoing colposcopy in an outpatient setting
Dr Gaithri Myalvagunum
INSPECT - ImpedaNce SPECTroscopy (ZedScan) directed biopsy with high risk HPV and normal colposcopy
Dr Rhett Morton
2020 Grants


There were 5 applications for new grants received in 2020. We are pleased to announce that of these 5 applications the following grants were awarded:

Study Title
Principle Researcher
Funding Allocated
Utility of HPV RNA In Situ Hybridisation in the Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer
Marsali Newman
High-grade Outcomes in Older Women with HPV16/18 Positive Cervical Screening Tests and Relationship to Screening History
Jennifer Roberts
2018 Grants


There were 4 applications for new grants received in 2018. We are pleased to announce that of these 4 applications the following grants were awarded:

Study Title
Principle Investigator
Fundng Allocated
Women’s outcomes after conservative treatment for intraepithelial or early invasive cervical lesions: A state-wide investigation
Dr Aime Powell
lmmunohistochemistry for HPV testing on archived tissue in women with biopsy proven high grade cervical dysplasia and negative HPV testing
A/Prof Selvan Pather
Anal cancers in women – defining causative HPV genotypes to inform future screening of at-risk women
A/Prof Richard Hillman
Generation of a preclinical humanized skin graft model to expedite novel cervical cancer therapies
Prof Ian Frazer
2017 Grants


There were 4 applications for new grants received in 2017. We are pleased to announce that of these 4 applications the following grants were awarded:

Study Title
Principle Researcher
Funding Allocated
Molecular analysis of vulval cancer: Investigating the link between primary tumours, local relapse and background skin
Dr Susan Bigby
Partial High Risk HPV genotyping in young women under 25 in New Zealand with high grade histology. In the post-HPV vaccination era
A/Prof Peter Sykes
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